Online Application

Frequently Asked Questions

What is E-Signature?

E-signature refers to electronic data attached to other electronic data or connected logically to other electronic data and used for identity authentication.

Is e-signature legally valid?

E-signature has the same legal capacity of a wet-ink signature pursuant to the Electronic Signature Law no 5070. E-signature  ensures that the information sent electronically has not been tampered/changed during transmission, belongs to the sender and is non-repudiable.  E-signatures guarantees the authenticity of identity information in digital transactions.

How do you have an e-signature?

Qualified Digital Certificates used to create e-signatures are obtained by applying to authorized Qualified Digital Certificate Service Suppliers registered with the Information and Communication Technologies Authority in Turkey (BTK) pursuant to the Electronic Signature Law no 5070.

You can fill out the online application form at www.e-guven.com/OnlineBasvuru.aspx and make the payment to have your e-signature.

How can I pay for my e-signature application?

You can pay by choosing one of the following methods.

  • You can process money order the relevant amount to the bank account shown in the application form.
  • You can process EFT the relevant amount to the bank account shown in the application form.
  • You can fill out the credit card fields at the end of the application form to pay with credit card.

Click to see our bank account numbers.

How can I perform identity authentication to complete by e-signature application?

Identity authentication is mandatory to create e-signature for individuals. This can be done in four different ways.

  • Identity Authentication and Installation Service on Premise,
  • Via notary,
  • At E-GÜVEN office,
  • By signing a corporate application agreement (for companies with multi-users).

What’s Identity Check on Site and Installation Service?

Identity Authentication and Installation Service on Premise is an optional service offered only by E-GÜVEN.

Identity authentication must be done to create an electronic signature.  E-GÜVEN employees come to the address you specify at the date and time to perform identity authentication.

Which documents are required during e-signature application?

For individual applications , a copy of the ID card that shows the ID number of the beholder and QDC (NES) User Letter of Undertaken signed in the presence of a notary should be sent to E-GÜVEN.

An application who chooses to have identity authentication and installation on premise option should be present and available when E-GÜVEN employees come to his/her address and give a copy of his/her ID document. The applicant whose identity is authenticated is only required to sign and approve a qualified digital certificate user agreement and fill out and sign the attached certificate application  form.

For corporate applications, if company name is required to be included in the certificate, in addition to a copy of ID card and QDC (NES) User Letter of Undertaking, original of the Good Standing Certificate from the Chamber of Commerce and list of authorized signatures are also necessary.

How long will my e-signature be valid?

A qualified digital certificate is valid for 1, 2 or 3 years depending on the package purchased.

What is included in a e-signature package?

An electronic signature package consists of the following products and services:

  • - NES (Qualified Digital Certificate)
  • - Smart Bar
  • - Identity Authentication and Installation Service on Premise (optional)

What are the prices of e-signature packages?

1, 2, and 3 year electronic signature packages have different prices.  For new purchases, you can see the prices by clicking on the Online Application Form.

For e-signature prices click on the Online Renewal Form

Where can I use my e-signature?

You can use your e-signature for;

  • - E-government operations (turkiye.gov.tr)
  • - Public projects for which e-signature is mandatory (UYAP, Ministry of Health, EKAP...)
  • - Trade registry procedures under MERSİS Project,
  • - Customs and foreign trade operations,
  • - Registered E-mail System (KEP)
  • - Employment contracts and all other types of contracts,
  • - Banking instructions,
  • - Performance, paid, leave, overtime and expenditure reimbursement forms,
  • - Signing resolutions of general assembly, board of directors and board of management,
  • - Ordering process within dealer network communication,
  • - E-signing of electronic archive,
  • - And all other operations that require wet-ink signature.

Can I return my e-signature?

An electronic signature is created specifically for one person therefore return is not possible. However E-GÜVEN acknowledges that the buyer has a right of withdrawal from the Certificate User Agreement for a product or service within seven days of its signing without any legal or penal liability and without the need for any reason or explanation and guarantees to accept the returned product after the right of withdrawal form is received by the seller/provider. As specified in the Certificate User Agreement signed by and between the user and E-GÜVEN,  the product consists of an electronic signature maker and card reader.

What are the advantages and responsibilities of e-signature owners as per the law?

The obligations and responsibilities of a e-signature holder are explained in the copy of the qualified digital certificate user agreement signed by and given to the e-signature holder. This is detailed in the article 15 Obligations of Qualified Digital Certificate Holder of the Regulation on the Principles and Procedures concerning the implementation of Electronic Signature Law.  Furthermore, this notification is done in accordance with the article 14 obligations of the Electronic Signature Law no 5070.

I have deleted the certificate in my e-signature, what should I do?

If you have deleted your certificate, you need to make another certificate. This can be done against a fee. Please contact E-GÜVEN.

I lost my e-signature, what should I do?

If you lose your e-signature, contact immediately E-GÜVEN for cancellation. Then you can request a new e-signature by repeating the application and payment procedures.

Do I need a separate program to e-sign a document in text, word, pdf etc. format?

Yes, you need an auxiliary program to sign a file (text, word, excel etc.) in your computer. You can sign your files and verify your signed documents using these programs which may differ depending on your need. For more detailed information about training provided by E-GÜVEN, contact E-GÜVEN by sending an email to isgelistirme@e-guven.com or by dialing +90 216 360 46 05. Signing PDF Documents

Can I use my e-signature for my email accounts on Gmail, Yahoo, Mynet, etc.?

You cannot sign your emails which you send via web-based email providers. You need MS Outlook or a similar email program to sign your emails.

How can I change e-token PIN code?

You can change your e-token PIN code by following the screen instructions on the E-token page.

How can I unlock a locked e-token PIN code?

You can change your e-token PIN code by following the screen instructions on the E-token page.

Where can I see the serial number of my e-signature?

For E-card:

You can see the serial number of your e-signature when e-token is plugged to your computer by following the below steps.

In your Computer;

The serial number can be seen at: Start > Programs or All Programs > Genuine Standard > Token Management > Digital Identities > Show all Recorded Digital Identities > Certificate > Certificate Issuer.

Etoken - for Safenet Properties: In your Computer;

Start > Etoken – Safenet Properties > Advanced View (Settings) > User Certificate > Serial Number

I am required to install library to log in to the e-government portal with my e-signature, how can I install it?

Please go to www.turkiye.gov.tr Go to the help page. Click on the e-signature help tag. There is a library list for operating systems under the title "What are the Pre-use Requirements?"

Does my e-signature work on Mac operating systems?

It works if it has dual processor.

E-signature card type is asked in www.turkiye.gov.tr . What can I do?

Click on the "log in the system" on the home page. Select "log in with electronic signature". Then in the "select card type" tag;

  • -Select Starcos for e-card
  • - Select Aladdin for e-token

How should my time stamps settings be in the e-signature application (İmzaPlus) of the Ministry of Health?

  • Service Provider: EGuven
  • Server Address: http://ts.e-guven.com
  • Server Port: 80
  • Special Algorithm: SHA256
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Requires Windows 7 or later operating system,
.Net Framework 4.0 or later versions.

Disclosure Form Aydınlatma Metni

This Disclosure Form has been issued by Elektronik Bilgi Guvenligi Anonim Sirketi (the “Company”) with a view to inform the customers of the Company in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data as to the processing of their personal data by the Company.

The details regarding the processing of your personal data within the framework of this Disclosure Form are available within Elektronic Bilgi Guvenligi A.S. Policy for the Protection and Processing of Personal Data at [www.e-guven.com].

a) Methods of and Legal Reasons for the Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data are collected electronically or physically. Your personal data collected on account of the legal reasons provided herein may be processed and shared in accordance with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set forth within Articles 5 and 6 of the Law.

b) Purposes of Processing of Personal Data

Your personal data are processed in accordance with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set forth within Articles 5 and 6 of the Law for the purpose of the planning and performance of the activities as necessary for the offering and publicity of the products and services offered by the Company to the data subjects in such forms as customized to the appreciation, habits of use and needs of the data subjects, the performance by the business units of necessary activities to make the products ad services offered by the Company available to the data subjects and the execution of the related business processes the performance by the business units of the activities necessary for the performance of the commercial operations maintained by the Company and the execution of the related business processes, the planning and implementation of the commercial and/or the business strategies of the Company, and the ensuring of the legal, technical and commercial - business security of the Company and the parties, who are in business relation with the Company.

c) The Parties, to Whom Personal Data May Be Disclosed, and Purposes of Disclosure

Your personal data may, in accordance with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set forth within Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, be shared with and disclosed to the business partners and suppliers of the Company as well as legally competent authorities and bodies and legally authorized private legal entities for the purpose of the planning and performance of the activities as necessary for the offering and publicity of the products and services offered by the Company to the data subjects in such forms as customized to the appreciation, habits of use and needs of the data subjects, the performance by the business units of necessary activities to make the products ad services offered by the Company available to the data subjects and the execution of the related business processes the performance by the business units of the activities necessary for the performance of the commercial operations maintained by the Company and the execution of the related business processes, the planning and implementation of the commercial and/or the business strategies of the Company, and the ensuring of the legal, technical and commercial - business security of the Company and the parties, who are in business relation with the Company.

d) The Rights of Data Owners and Exercise of Such Rights

In the event you, being a personal data owner, file your request under your rights provided below with the Company through the methods specified within Elektronik Bilgi Guvenligi A.S. Policy for the Protection and Processing of Personal Data, which is available at [www.e-guven.com]; your request so filed will be replied and addressed as soon as practicable but, in any case, no later than 30 (thirty) days.

You, being a personal data owner, have the following rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Law:

  • Learn whether or not you personal data have been processed,
  • Request information as to processing if your data have been processed,
  • Learn the purpose of processing of you personal data and whether your data are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Know the third parties based at home or in abroad, to whom your personal data have been transferred,
  • Request notification of the operations performed as a consequence of such requests as rectification, deletion and destruction to third parties to whom you personal data have been transferred, in the cases where your personal data have been processed incompletely or inaccurately,
  • Request your personal data to be delete or destroyed in the event the reasons that may have required the processing of your personal data in spite of the fact that they have been processed in compliance with the Law and other applicable laws and regulations, and request notification of the relevant operation to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
  • Object to occurrence of any result that is to your detriment by means of analysis of your personal data exclusively through automated systems,
  • Request compensation for the damages in case the you incur damages due to unlawful processing of your personal data.