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Customer Comments

Set Group Holding A.Ş. System Director Bora Bilgin: 
"We believe that e-signature helps to save time and labor by making the processes faster and requiring less red tape.  Moreover we also believe that it is a safer method than conventional use of wet-ink signature.  E-signature officially recognized pursuant to the law no 5070 provides an important opportunity for us to improve the speed and safety of our business processes in the company. Investment cost of e-signature is considered to be neglectable compared to its advantages and benefits. We care a lot about using natural resources in the most economic way under Italcamenti Group, the leader in its industry with regard to sustainable environmental policies. Therefore we try to use every opportunity that allows us to reduce the use of paper. We are happy to choose E-GÜVEN for e-signature, which we believe is one of the most qualified and experienced companies providing this service. " 

Adobe Systems Mediterranean Countries Business Development Manager Evren Arın: 
"We know that protection of intellectual property rights is a difficult subject in our country and individual manufacturers are more negatively affected by this. Combining Adobe Acrobat and E-GÜVEN e-signature services, we intend to provide a solution to creative people to share their works in an easier and safer way. We also believe that this cooperation represents a milestone for the use of e-signature in our country. While available e-signature applications are developed specific to a project using closed formats, our solution is supported by the power, ease of use and global availability of ISO PDF document format with Adobe Acrobat." With the cooperation between E-GÜVEN and Adobe Systems, E-GÜVEN certificate and time stamp services with Adobe Acrobat are offered with special opportunities.


UND Director of the Board Tamer Dinçşahin:  
"Digital work environment is becoming increasingly popular in today's world. E-signature is a part of this. This system which provides major advantages to save time and reduce paper work has started to be used in different levels of the government. The same system has been used in European Union member states for a number of years. The system is now being implemented in associated countries. The new system both accelerates operations and facilitates international control. This means that business processes will become more efficient for transporting companies. We want to help our members to adapt to the international system that has been recently developed. Furthermore, we intend to prevent them from having time and money loss. Therefore we have cooperated with E-GÜVEN, being a competent e-signature company."

Philip Morris Finance, IT and Administrative Affairs Director Taner Kerman:
"We are one of the first companies to use electronic signature in Turkey through our cooperation with E-GÜVEN and leading banks of Turkey.  Electronic signature which is the first step of our "paperless accounting" movement has improved the speed, safety and efficiency of our business processes and eliminated the need for authorized people to be at the office all the time.”

 ÜNİPA A.Ş.General Director Mehmet Ali Bayraktar:
"Providing services to more than thirty universities in Turkey our company cooperates with E-GÜVEN, a company which have very influential business partners and important references, strong digital certificate infrastructure providing a wide variety of hardware and software solutions.  Through this cooperation, we will implement our digital campus and e-card and electronic and mobile signature projects in parallel to our university vision." 

Vice Chairman of Bursa Customs Brokers Association (BUGÜMDER) Suat Yücelen:
"E-signature allows to complete work with significant legal responsibilities and liabilities in a fast and safe way. Therefore e-signature represents a great importance for Customs Brokers. We believe that this project which was started in line with the e-government transformation process in Turkey will increase efficiency in customs operations."




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Requires Windows 7 or later operating system,
.Net Framework 4.0 or later versions.

Disclosure Form Aydınlatma Metni

This Disclosure Form has been issued by Elektronik Bilgi Guvenligi Anonim Sirketi (the “Company”) with a view to inform the customers of the Company in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data as to the processing of their personal data by the Company.

The details regarding the processing of your personal data within the framework of this Disclosure Form are available within Elektronic Bilgi Guvenligi A.S. Policy for the Protection and Processing of Personal Data at [www.e-guven.com].

a) Methods of and Legal Reasons for the Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data are collected electronically or physically. Your personal data collected on account of the legal reasons provided herein may be processed and shared in accordance with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set forth within Articles 5 and 6 of the Law.

b) Purposes of Processing of Personal Data

Your personal data are processed in accordance with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set forth within Articles 5 and 6 of the Law for the purpose of the planning and performance of the activities as necessary for the offering and publicity of the products and services offered by the Company to the data subjects in such forms as customized to the appreciation, habits of use and needs of the data subjects, the performance by the business units of necessary activities to make the products ad services offered by the Company available to the data subjects and the execution of the related business processes the performance by the business units of the activities necessary for the performance of the commercial operations maintained by the Company and the execution of the related business processes, the planning and implementation of the commercial and/or the business strategies of the Company, and the ensuring of the legal, technical and commercial - business security of the Company and the parties, who are in business relation with the Company.

c) The Parties, to Whom Personal Data May Be Disclosed, and Purposes of Disclosure

Your personal data may, in accordance with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set forth within Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, be shared with and disclosed to the business partners and suppliers of the Company as well as legally competent authorities and bodies and legally authorized private legal entities for the purpose of the planning and performance of the activities as necessary for the offering and publicity of the products and services offered by the Company to the data subjects in such forms as customized to the appreciation, habits of use and needs of the data subjects, the performance by the business units of necessary activities to make the products ad services offered by the Company available to the data subjects and the execution of the related business processes the performance by the business units of the activities necessary for the performance of the commercial operations maintained by the Company and the execution of the related business processes, the planning and implementation of the commercial and/or the business strategies of the Company, and the ensuring of the legal, technical and commercial - business security of the Company and the parties, who are in business relation with the Company.

d) The Rights of Data Owners and Exercise of Such Rights

In the event you, being a personal data owner, file your request under your rights provided below with the Company through the methods specified within Elektronik Bilgi Guvenligi A.S. Policy for the Protection and Processing of Personal Data, which is available at [www.e-guven.com]; your request so filed will be replied and addressed as soon as practicable but, in any case, no later than 30 (thirty) days.

You, being a personal data owner, have the following rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Law:

  • Learn whether or not you personal data have been processed,
  • Request information as to processing if your data have been processed,
  • Learn the purpose of processing of you personal data and whether your data are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Know the third parties based at home or in abroad, to whom your personal data have been transferred,
  • Request notification of the operations performed as a consequence of such requests as rectification, deletion and destruction to third parties to whom you personal data have been transferred, in the cases where your personal data have been processed incompletely or inaccurately,
  • Request your personal data to be delete or destroyed in the event the reasons that may have required the processing of your personal data in spite of the fact that they have been processed in compliance with the Law and other applicable laws and regulations, and request notification of the relevant operation to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
  • Object to occurrence of any result that is to your detriment by means of analysis of your personal data exclusively through automated systems,
  • Request compensation for the damages in case the you incur damages due to unlawful processing of your personal data.